4 easy steps

1. Type email ✉️ 👩‍💻‍

Your email will be used only for login to our app. Nothing else.

2. Verify email ✅ 🔐

Click on the link in the email. App will automatically log you in.

3. Paste link 📋 👇‍

Now you can paste links into field below and press get my link

4. Get link 🔗 🚀

In around 1000 ms to 2000 ms, you will get new short link. Enjoy.

Get your URL link

Log in to app first

This app is made to be used by real people. Only logged in users can use our features. 

Why use our services?

1. No ads ✅ 📢‍

This app has been build for our personal usage. Ads are annoying.

2. Fast & easy use 👌 💻

Just login, paste your link and get short link in return.

3. Pretty links ✨ 🔗

You can setup you own pretty links. Feel free to change them to anything.

Manage your links!

You need to  first, to use our app. 😁

Manage your links

Your history of previously shortened URLs

Original URL



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That is all 👋